Our home inspectors are held to the highest standard of home inspection excellence for each and every customer


About A-1 Home Inspections Services

Are you in need of a highly qualified local home inspectors in Orlando, FL or surrounding areas. If so, you should give us a call at (407) 721-5329. We are a local company of home inspection professionals who are licensed and certified and have the training and experience to deliver quality home inspections. We do wind mitigation, home inspection, roof inspection, termite inspection and 4 point inspection. All that are important in considering a home or commercial property in our locale. If you are considering the purchase of a home or real estate property, and are in need of real estate inspection services, call our team to ensure you know exactly what you are buying and the qualities of the property you are considering. 

A-1 Home Inspection Services is run by highly skilled and experienced individuals. We are a local home inspector company that provides roof inspections, home inspections, wind mitigation and more. By having us do a thorough walk through of your property, we can

provide you with information that can help you protect you, the occupants of the property and the property itself. Our team understands the importance of thorough inspections and delivers a full report that gives the potential buyer all the information they need to make an informed purchase. 

Know what lies beneath the surface of that beautiful property you are considering. Keep your family safe by getting a detailed real estate inspection from us. At A-1 Home Inspection Services, we want to help our customers as much as we can with zero hassle. If you are ready to schedule an appointment give us a call at (407) 721-5329.

Additionally, if you’re looking for commercial inspections in Orlando, you’re in good hands with A-1 Home Inspection Services. Whenever you’re thinking of adding on to your building or remodeling the interior, you need building inspection services. We’ll make sure no harmful chemicals or toxins are present, and we’ll notify you of any weak spots in the structure.

Contact A-1 Home Inspection Services today for more information on our various services as well as our real estate inspections.

The city of Orlando has selected A-1 home Inspection Services as the number 1 real estate inspections Company. We were chosen due the quality of work over our competitors, with over 29 years of experience, and over 6000 homes services. We offer free four point inspections for all veterans.

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